Monday, 8 June 2015

Minimum Wages- Correlation with productivity of an employee

To discuss this topic we can take help of one of the case of Supreme Court of India. As per the said case, the minimum wage fixed in the notification under Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is not fixed with reference to any particular quality of work turned out by the employee nor does the notification under Minimum Wages Act, 1948 empower the employer to fix any particular norm of work to be carried out by the employee with reference to which the minimum wages shall be paid by the employer. The employer may fixed any norm as employer think fit specifying the quantity of work which must be given by the employee during the day, but if the employee does not turn out work in conformity with such norm then in that scenario the employer cannot pay said employee anything less than the minimum wages. Furthermore, the employer may take disciplinary action against such employee.

Thus, the employer / management of any organization are not entitled to make deductions from the minimum wage on account of less productivity of an employee.

To get the supporting case law for this do write us on

Hope this small write up will give insight about pertained subject.


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